Talk show by the Commercial Department.

The RDC, Senior Probation and social welfare Officer and a team from the Commercial department held at talk show at sauti Fm.
Mr. Nambale Baker the Relationship Officer micro finance support center said Kayunga District has received seed capital of 1,680,000,000 for Emyooga Saccos in the 3 constituencies and has so far saved 539,160,000.
He further said the program has been successful despite some challenges.
He promised to train all the 54 saccos and add them 20m annually to only best performing Saccos.
HE highlighted the roles of MFSC which included:
1. To train beneficiaries to properly utilise the funds and improve their standards of living.
2. Select best performing saccos and add them 20m.
3. Train each Sacco and support them in project selection.
We are beginning this month April to disperse money to the best performing Saccos.
Mr Sekiidde Vicent said both Emyooga and PDM are still in existence and disbursement of funds is still on going.
He said auditing of PDM saccos is on going and requested sacco chairpersons to prepare for this exercise.
He requested listeners to support this program due to its less profits of 8%.
Mr. kafeero Collins encouraged parents and Headteachers to support the on going NIRA program of registration of pupils in schools.
He Called upon listeners to support the census program and avail the Enumerators with rightful information.
He also mobilised and sensitised listeners for the census night on 9th April.
He requested whoever missed interviews yesterday due to network failure to report to Kayunga and Busaana sub county today for oral interviews.
He also urged listeners to donate blood.The blood transfusion program is on going in Kayunga District and they will be in Bukoloto market today.
The RDC reminded the residents that emyooga funds is revolving and should be paid back.
They pretend not to have been sensitized but the truth is they lie.
He promised to punish the defaulters.