An official from the office of the Prime minister together with the District technical team had an engagement meeting to demonstrate and disseminate the 2022 assessment report to the Technical staff.
The meeting further provided new intentions for planning purposes and make improvements in the current financial year.
The main focus areas included Education, Health, Water and Environment. The District rating in terms of performance was 125 out of the 154 local governments assessed.
Mr Luganda from OPM advised the team to always prepare evidence since assessment is a question of evidence. Officers should be vigilant and prepare documentation to avoid frustrating the assessors since poor performance affects the budget.
The Principal Assistant Secretary who represented the CAO applauded the OPM staff and urged members to adopt to changes and internalise the parameters for assessment and always prepare evidence.
The Vice Chairperson LCV thanked Mr Luganda and urged the Technical team to always seek guidance whenever it's time for assessment.