A team from the District led by the Rdc launched a sanitation week in Gwero 'B' village, Namayuge parish,Galilaya subcounty Kayunga District whose theme was "Sanitation and Hygiene for all" - A key to disease prevention.
Principle Health Inspector (DHI) Mr Osilon James Patrick presented the key activities to be undertaken durying the sanitation week as baseline data collection, hygiene improvement,cleaning and repairingwater sources and general cleanliness of All public places.This will be led by the VHTs.
The LC3 chairperson thanked government for the PDM program which will help to improve the standards of living.
The Asst District Water Officer Mr Paul Luboya sensitised about the importance of safe water and gave statistics of water supply in kayunga at 76% .He further promised to extend piped water to Gwero 'B' village since it has 2 boreholes which cannot sustain 164 Homesteads.
The OC police Bamwiite George William warned community against defilement and promised to arrest parents engaging school going pupils in agriculture.
The RDC talked about hygiene and instructed the Police Officers and subcounty leadership to organize a back to school campaign with in their community. He also warned against homosexuality.