LGPAC training at the District headquarters.

Officials from the Ministry of Local Government conducted a training of local government public accounts committee,(LGPAC) at the District headquarters.
The overall objective of the training was to orient the LGPAC members on their roles of assuming honesty, accountability and integrity in the acquisition and expenditure of public funds.
Roles of the LGPAC include,
1. Examine reports of the auditor general on Accounts of local government.
2. Examine internal auditor's reports quarterly.
3. Examine reports of properly constituted commissions of inquiry into the local government.
Powers of LGPAC include.
1. Convene and hold meetings with LG's, Officers, councilors and suppliers to receive explanation relating to reports.
2. Recommend police to arrest a suspect in respect of corruption or abuse of office.
3. Draw attention of IGG and Auditor general to carry out special audit or investigation.
4. Require officers or councilors to explain matters arising from
Mandated reports.
LGPAC members code of conduct
1. Accountability in carrying out there duties.
2. Honest as a quality of truthfulness.
3. React basing on public interest.
4. Conduct themselves in a manner that maintain public trust.
5. Must preserve, protect and defend the constitution.
6. Independence is the guilding principle.
7. Incorruptibilitiy
8. Must declare all interests.
What LGPAC hearings are not.
1. They are not torture chambers.
2. Not audit sessions.
3. Not areas for political sessions.