Graduation ceremony at the Presidential Industrial hub in nazigo subcounty Kayunga District

The Presidential Industrial hub held its second graduation in kayunga District today.
In attendance was the District Woman Member of Parliament,Hon Min for Kampala Hajjat Minsa kabanda, RDCs, Chairperson LCV , State House controller. District technical Staff and political leaders.
The skills offered at the Hub include:
1.Tailoring and design
2. Hair dressing
3.Building and construction practice.
4.Carpentry and joinery
5.Welding and fabrication
6.Metal fabrication
7.Bakery and confectionery
8.Leather processing (shoe making).
Eng.Raymond kamugisha the Director Presidential Projects and Industrial hub thanked the President for his wisdom and vision of the hub.
He submitted to the audience that the Certificates awarded are equivalent to Senior four.
He encouraged parents to bring their children to the hub since the tutors are from the locality and teach in local languages.
He requested the UPDF Engineering Brigade to always consider these pupils since they are products from the Presidential Directive.
So they need to be absorbed in the construction of Government projects.
The District Woman Member of Parliament Hon Nantaba thanked the President for his vision to reduce unemployment in the country.
She guided the graduants to add on what they have and not selling land to buy motor cycles.
The Chairperson LCV thanked the President for this initiative and said the only pending issue is the construction of bbaale galiraaya road and kayunga will just wait for the election day and thank him tremendously.
The Chief Guest Hon Balaam Minister of state for Youth and Children Affairs urged participants to make use of the skills availed to them to develop and improve their standards of living.
He promised through the Government of Uganda to avail the graduants with tools to be used after the training.
He called for patriotism and fight against corruption amongst youths.
He urged them to use YLP funds to develop themselves but remember to pay back since it is a revolving fund.