Kayunga District Chairperson, Mr.Muwonge Andrew officially opened Kawomya H.C.III in Kangulumira Sub County. While opening the newly constructed OPD- Mr.Muwonge informed the community that the NRM government was committed to provision of health services to its people and the establishment of the new health facility was an indication that the Presidential pledge of providing health centre 3s in all Sub counties had been realised.
He pledged to ensure that the unit is coded to receive drugs and more staff provided to it because as a District they had improvised from its resources to operatiomalize it.
The Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. Batambuze Abdu held that the facility is meant to have a staffing level of 18 employees however only 5 had been posted to it and more would be posted when it gets coded. Also that it had not been given its own drugs whereby they had collected from other facilities purposely to enable the facility to poerate but promised thta more drugs would be provided to the facility.
In attendance was the Area Member of Parliament, CAO-Mr.Batambuze Abdu, Area councilor who is also the Secretary for Education Hon. Kamanda Fahad and Hon.Nabukwasi Halima , L.C.III Chairperson- Hon. Kikomeko Victor among others.