Chief Guest presiding over the World Toilet Day in Kayunga District.

Kayunga District joined the rest of the World in cerebrating the World Toilet Day under the theme " Toilets - A place of peace".
The ceremony proceeded with commissioning seven sanitation facilities with in the District.
In attendance were LCV Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, NRM Chairperson, RDC and her Asst, DCAO, Deputy speaker, Secretary for health, District Councillors, Technical staff, officials from WFP, MoH, MoWE, karitus, IRC, Mugerere.Headteachers, parents and other stakeholders.
The Government of Uganda through MoH, MoWE and Water for People with support from the Sanitation and Hygiene funds
are determined to
Provide clean water and sanitation for all by 2030.
As per the census results 2024, 43% of Ugandans have improved sanitation facilities, 50% have unlimited and 7% practice open defecation.
The Country loses 58 billion Shillings annually due to poor Water, sanitation and hygiene.
The DCAO who represented the CAO applauded Water for People.
He emphasized that this project sets a pace for people to build such latrines and turn them into a place of peace like the theme. He implored Headteachers and Health incharges to adopt the element of sustainability and also community to collectively protect these facilities.
The LCV Chairperson thanked WFP and further alluded to the negative cultural beliefs that are against toilets.
The Chairperson further gave updates on Galiraaya Bbaale road awaiting Ministry of Works to award the contractor and thanked Chairperson NRM for compensating citizens in bugembo thus giving way to Bbaale water supply.
The Chief Guest RDC Kayunga applauded his Excellency the President for fulfilling his manifesto of providing safe water to people and the freedom given to NGOs and implementing partners who have supported Ugandans.
She called upon Headteachers and Health facility in charges to maintain these facilities such that they benefit communities.