
Chairperson National Women's Council and CAO Kayunga sharing a moment at the District Headquarters.

The National Chairperson Women Council Hajjat Farida kibowa held a Women Council meeting at the District headquarters.

She advised women to embrace government programs like PDM since
" empowering a mother is empowering a nation".

She urged Mrs Magezi to incorporate women into Buganda kingdom programs.

She encourage women to participate in election such that their voices are heard but discouraged election wrangles.

CAO appreciated women activists in lower local governments and further expressed his disappointment on poor recovery of UWEP funds.

The District Women Chairperson promised to revive strategies for revolving UWEP funds.

The Senior Probation and Social Welfare Officer talked about the high prevalence rates of HIV/ Aids in kayunga District and discouraged violation of men's right by women.

The RDC appreciated and requested women leaders for this unity and urged them to embrace and monitor government programs most especially PDM and report parish chiefs and sacco leaders sabotaging Government programs.

She advised them to involve in commercial farming
So as to have enough food and income.