MGLSD in conjunction with Kayunga DLG training YLP and UWEP groups at the District headquarters.

Kayunga District in conjunction with the Ministry of Gender held a training of YLP/UWEP approved group members for FY 2023/2024 at the District Headquarters.
The ministry approved 13 YLP and 15 UWEP groups.
The District expects to receive shs.135,130,430 to support these groups and some have started receiving money.
The District leadership reminded the members that this is a revolving fund not a gift.
The youths were advised to stop greed for wealth and work harder to prevent insecurity which is caused by idleness.
YLP is for all youths not NRM alone since government serves people equally.
Members were cautioned to stick to the bussinness they applied for not diverting funds.
Women were finally advised to take their children to affordable schools not using UWEP funds to educate their children in private expensive schools.