Micro scale irrigation exhibition at the District Headquarters.

Kayunga District Production Department held a micro scale irrigation exhibition at the District headquarters under the theme"Promotion of irrigated agriculture through adoption of micro scale irrigation technologies."
The exhibition was presided over by the DRDC.
Irrigation helps farmers grow crops all year, with or without rain thus having more food to eat and sell which improves their livelihoods.
Farmers that are eligible to the program are those that can access land adjustment to water sources and ability to contribute 25% of the total cost of the system specifically solar system.
This event focuses on raising awareness of farmers on micro scale irrigation in the District.
The exhibition gives farmers opportunity to interact with many stakeholders including coffee Nursery operators, Horticulture, agro processors, fish processors and other potential clients.
The Senior Agricultural Engineer stated that a total of 654 farmers have registered for this program and 116 farmers have installed the irrigation equipment.
She said the equipment has a 1 year guarantee during which a supplier repairs the equipment at no cost Incase of any breakage.
The DAO informed members that this micro scale irrigation system is funded under the U Gift system.
farmers are currently contributing 1million and the equipment is installed then balance paid on a later date.
The DPO encouraged farmers to adopt to this modern farming method to enrich themselves.
He advised community to support government programs most especially PDM.
However, he expressed poverty challenges amongst farmers failing to raise 25% as part payments for the irrigation equipment.
The LCV Chairperson advised farmers to practice the presidential initiative of the 4 acre model.
He said land is becoming small and encouraged farmers to utilize this opportunity and enrich themselves.
The DRDC thanked his excellence the president for this initiative and advised community to play it's role since government has played its part.
She warned people against mixing politics with development and encouraged all Ugandans to embrace government programs.