The Production department at the DLG had planned the procurement of cassava planting material of NAROCASS 1 in FY 2022 - 2023 which is a new improved disease tolerant variety from the Agriculture Extension Grant.
We have received 397 bags of cassava stems which costed 23,800,000/= for distribution to Galilaya and Bbaale sub counties to ensure food security and multiplication gardens from which the DLG will buy cassava stems next FY. The cassava matures after 9 to 12 months and is very palatable resulting in good cassava stew and flour.
An acre is planted with 6 to 8 bags of cassava stem at a spacing of 1m by 1m. NAROCASS 1 branches a lot forming an umbrella canopy. We expect to plant 50acres in both sub counties and farmer beneficiaries have been carefully selected with the help of local leaders and extension staff. Each farmer will plant 2 or more acres as a monocrop and will be trained, advised, supervised and monitored by the extension staff and political leaders to check on the performance.