
District Leadership Engagement Meeting with UEGCL.

Kayunga District leadership and Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited held an engagement meeting at Isimba Hydro Power Point in Busaana Subcounty kayunga District.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss matters on Royalties, Electricity Distribution, Status of Roads and Corporate Social Responsibilities.

The Managing Director highlighted that the plant is sorrounded by 3 Districts of Jinja , Kamuli and kayunga taking the biggest coverage of 57%.

The plant is guided by a Generation license which guides on Royalties, licences fees, operation costs among others.

He added that Management signed an MOU with the 3 Districts where Royalties were to be paid quarterly and in 30 days to end of each quarter and Computation was not to exceeding 292Ug. Shillings per megabite.

Under Corporate Social Responsibility, a number of Health facilities and schools have been supported with general wards, staff houses, classroom blocks, VIP stance latrines and boreholes.

He further said roads are not under their mandate but promised to engage management.

The CAO Mr. Mahabba Malik appreciated the company for it's Royalties and support to community.

He further echoed his disappointment in delays and reduction in the remittance and not paying local service tax,
occupational taxes.

He requested them to avail the district with a vehicle for better service delivery.

The DRDC Mr Solomon Baleke applauded the team since their programs are in line with the NRM manifesto and requested them to avail power to people settling along side the power line.

He pledged his commitment on behalf of Government to protect their land from encroachment.